Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oxford Day 2

Hertford Bridge, New College Lane, Oxford (a remarkable similarity to the Bridge of Sighs)

Cornmarket St, Oxford City

Today was a very quiet day compared to our travels in the countryside yesterday. Walked down to the local shops to get the bus into Oxford (found out later we could have caught it from outside the Guesthouse). It was a quick trip into the city centre passing the Schools of Engineering and Mathematics. Oxford is busy at present because the school year is beginning. We have a family from South African (they are actually originally from Ghana and the United States) staying here as their daughter is starting at Oxford.
Had a look around the shops and some of the colleges of Oxford and browsed in the covered markets. We really liked looking at the meat and vegetables which seem quite reasonably priced and of a high quality. Had lunch in the city centre, shopped some more and then caught the bus back to the local shops and walked back to the Burlington (as we weren’t sure there was a bus stop nearby – only across the road). Dave and Jill then had to get ready for their flight as they were due to fly to Singapore at 9.30pm. We were driving them to the airport and not being too familiar with traffic patterns set out at 4.15pm so they could be there before 6.30pm. Didn’t take as long as we thought and in fact we were back in Oxford at 6.15pm. Actually we were really surprised as the traffic was similar to Brisbane Airport/Gateway Motorway at peak hour and in fact probably not as bad as we never came to a dead stop like you do in Brisbane.
We have enjoyed our stay in Oxford. The guesthouse, the Burlington was lovely and it has been nice not to have to pack cases every morning.
Off to stay with our friends Sue and Kev Humphries who live near near Derby, tomorrow.

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