Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Phil at Mayflower Step Plaque

The Mayflower Steps

Plymouth Harbour

Plymouth Seafront Buildings

Left Bath and started our journey to Newquay in Cornwall. Phil had read that a good place to see was Glastonbury in Somerset so we went via some lesser roads to Glastonbury. Wish we could say that the visit was worth it but we are not able to, so will move on.  
We decided to make a stop in Plymouth in Devon as it wasn’t very far out of our way and the men (Phil and Dave) wanted to see the Mayflower.  Eileen did raise the issue of why would the Mayflower be in Plymouth when its’ historical significance was in Massachusetts. Still we got to Plymouth and set out to find the Mayflower in very rainy windy conditions. There was a sign that said Mayflower but we never saw it again and drove all about looking for where it might be.  Asked for directions and arrived at the Mayflower Steps Exhibit. This is where the Pilgrims left Plymouth on the Mayflower. Guess where the Mayflower is?  Massachusetts!
Anyway we had a look around and took photos. We thought Plymouth was a lovely place. Phil and Dave also went to the Francis Drake Memorial.
Set out for Newquay and we were doing well time wise on an extremely good road. A minute or two after Dave, who was navigating at the time said, we should be in Newquay at 5pm; we came to a grinding halt. Accident ahead and we were held up for 25 minutes while they cleared away the car that collided with Farmer Brown and his load of hay (yes they are allowed on major roads like motorways).  Tractor and trailer unharmed, car totalled.
Reached our accommodation and despite stairs once again it is very nice. Weather has been a bit ordinary though.

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